Part 58: Chapel

[Music: Eternitybox]

Of course, there was no reason Snake would have known anything about where anyone else would be.
Junpei and Seven looked at one another. There was a great deal he needed to know, but...

They feared that if Snake knew, he might well go insane.
They'd decided as much by a look the moment Snake had climbed out of the coffin.

Junpei put the question to Snake.
His answer was less than illuminating.

A nice and subtle touch is in how Snake's appearance has changed since we last saw him. The amazing robe is obvious, but you can notice other stuff that's changed too. Like how his hair's messier now; it's a bit more apparent in other stuff but can be noticed here as well.

It seemed as though Snake was, perhaps, not being entirely honest, but that knowledge did Junpei and Seven little good.
No matter how many times they asked, he insisted that he knew nothing.
It was becoming clear that Snake wouldn't give in, and every second they spent asking him was a second wasted.
Their time limit was fast approaching.
Snake's release from the coffin had changed nothing--they still needed to follow Ace as quickly as possible.
[Music: Silence]
They stood in silence, the overpowering atmosphere of the chapel almost stifling...
Junpei, Seven, and Snake simply stood, at a loss for what they should do next.

Seven began patting his pockets, as if he were checking to see if any of them held anything.

He'd finally found the pocket he wanted, and his hand dove into it.
Seven pulled out something round, and metal--
[Music: Digital Root]

A bracelet.
There was no mistaking the number glowing at them from the face like a cartoon eye.

Snake's question was innocent enough, but... If he learned the truth... If he'd been able to see, he would have noticed Seven look away.

It was a lie, and Junpei knew it.


7 + 2 + (0) = 9

Without waiting for a response, he started walking toward the door.
Junpei and Snake followed him, quietly.
Before long, they found themselves in front of the larger of the 2 doors.
Seven and Snake put their palms on the RED.

Once they'd done that, Seven put the number (0) bracelet on the scanner panel as well.

7 + 2 + (0) = 9
Now they just needed to pull the lever and the door would open--

Junpei nodded.
They decided to use the following combination...

Not many possible permutations here. We've already seen Snake/Seven/Bracelet and we know that doesn't work. Conveniently, that just leaves the three that include Junpei in the first place. I suppose trying all four bracelets is a good place to start.

Snake + Junpei + Seven = 2 + 5 + 7 = 14 → 1 + 4 = 5
If that combination worked, then the mysterious bracelet's number was (4).

Junpei continued...
Well, hrm. In that case, we might as well be systematic about it...

Snake + Junpei = 2 + 5 = 7
If that combination worked, then the mysterious bracelet's number was (2).

Junpei continued...
This leaves just one possible combination. If this one doesn't work, we're gonna drown right here and there's nothing we can do about it.
...Odds are: we boned.

Junpei + Seven = 5 + 7 = 12 → 1 + 2 = 3
If that combination worked, then the mysterious bracelet's number was (6).
They scanned in their bracelets...

The door slid closed.
Junpei's forehead furrowed as he thought.

[Music: Silence]
[Sound Bite: The Ship]
Suddenly, from somewhere far beneath them, they heard the creak and groan of tearing metal.
With it, came the sound of water pouring into parts of the ship that had, until recently, been dry.


If you thought there was no tension to these things before, this just looks silly now doesn't it?
[Music: Foreboding]

They were headed for the stern of the ship, and had no time for distractions.
As they ran, Seven spoke.

Of course, that would have been practically impossible, so...
How had he done it?

They kept running for a while longer, and eventually came upon a set of stairs leading downward on the right side of the hallway.
They stopped, and peered down the staircase.
As far as they could tell, it went all the way to the bottom deck. There didn't seem to be any flooding.
They nodded quickly to one another, and jogged down the stairs.
It took only a few minutes to make their way to the bottom deck.
There was a single hallway in front of them, at the end of which was a single door.
Junpei threw it open.

Inside was a massive iron gate.
A plate was affixed to the top of it.


Junpei grumbled, gave Snake a dirty look, and jogged over to the lever.

He pulled the lever down.

With the rumble of an ancient motor, the door opened.
There was no need to hold back, and no time to hesitate.
They pushed their way inside.
[Music: Silence]
Standing in front of them were Ace and Lotus.

It was still pressed hard against Lotus's temple. A small dark bruise had begun to form near the tip.
Even from several yards away, Junpei could see that Lotus was shaking.
She was terrified.
But perhaps more interesting was what Junpei saw behind them...